DD Audio 506D2 REDLINE
+156 P-Bass
1 Jun 2020, 20:06
+156 P-Bass
24 Oct 2019, 16:43
This box is designed for 4 pieces of this speaker for 600 W RMS to be able build it in the most simple way (see the outer dimensions and drawings) + to sound the most possible flat / loud at 30ish frequencies up to 50 / deep / clear. So each of the speakers are pushed with they minimum recomended power what is 150 W RMS (Pe = 450 W). In graphs there is a comparison between different Pes in W: 450 (150 RMS), 585 (90 percent of Xmech - 195 RMS), 723 (100 percent of Xmech - 241 RMS), and 1200 (400 RMS).
+156 P-Bass
23 Sep 2019, 18:18
I used 400 Watts for simulation not the 1200. I simulated all vented alignments aviable here (just Bass alignment no) and a vented box what I have simulated using WinISD - this is on 3D designer. In WinISD I used 400 Watts too for the simulation, and I determined that vented box Vb which have Fb = 35 Hz and the speaker not passing over its Xmax at higher frequencies than the Fb. The port is a perfect labyrinth - all 10 port parts are the same. The port area is about 11 - 12 % bigger than minimum recomended.
+156 P-Bass
14 Aug 2019, 16:28
This is a compact 1:3 ratio 4th order bandpass box for this speaker optimised for the speaker's Xmax = 8.9 mm for pushing out maximum possible SPL without mechanical damage of the speaker. The biggest outer measure is less than 500 mm. It is peaky / loud, and can sound deep too. In my opinion this box with this speaker will perform good in small / compact cars which have small trunk, like the 2 (3) door hatchbacks, or something like that.
4th Order Bandpass
+156 P-Bass
14 Aug 2019, 18:34
This is a 1:3 ratio 4th order bandpass box for 2 pieces of this speaker, The box optimised for the speakers Xmax = 8.9 mm for pushing out maximum possible SPL without mechanical damage of the speakers. The biggest outer measure is less than 500 mm. It is peaky / loud, and can sound deep too. The port is nice big for the size of the box / speakers.
4th Order Bandpass
This box I designed using WinISD and SBL hand-in-hand for 2 pieces of Tesla ARN 5604 woofers - home hifi woofer from '80s, parameters are re-measured after breaking in. My requirements were the same like in the most of my projects - sounds like a much more bigger sub even WITHOUT amp - wired directly to my head unit :) . I tried to simulate the box using a few popular woofers to help you imagine how it sounds - this is the reason for sharing it to this DD woofer. The Tesla woofers = red colour at graphs.