
27 Jan, 07:09

Attention!!! The future of the service

Some musing about the future of the service(Too much text but should read if you like the service): I've been developing the service for about 3 years, I've done many features: we have 3 clients(iOS, Android, WEB) and backend to connect it all. The project


20 Mar, 13:38

Box properties will not save

Both Save buttons at the top and bottom of the Box properties window will not respond or save anything. I try to change my box thickness and hit save but neither button responds. If I hit the arrow on the upper left to exit then go back in the box thicknes


19 Mar, 12:00


How do I enter VB?


14 Mar, 15:33

Please approve speaker parameters for JBL Stage2 424 & 524

Hi, Please approve speaker parameters for JBL Stage2 424 & 524.

bk big fish

28 Feb, 08:26

Subwoofer parameters approval

 Hello, I entered parameters for two subwoofers, Resilient sounds gold v1 10 d2 and Dayton audio Max-X MX12-22 in early January. They are waiting approval, how long does this usually take? Thank You BK


25 Feb, 08:01

I want to cancel my speaker box lite membership

I want to cancel my speaker box lite membership 


25 Feb, 04:09

why can i create a LINK

im trying to create a link to share a box build im creating but it never provides the link.   also if i click Share it brings me to a 404 bad request page


24 Feb, 15:13

Difference between using one circulat port, and two

Hi I am building boxes for my tannoy gold monitor LSU/12/8 speakers.  The internal dimensions are 150L and I've read to tune that size box with these speakers with 2 100mm x 200mm ports.... which is what the calculator is giving me for 2 ports tuned to 35h


13 Feb, 04:23


why did I pay for the pro version (supporter) and I don't have access to the pro service, thank you for your response


11 Feb, 02:12

how do i move a port?

So once I place the port in the 3d rendering how do I move it to another place on the box, it places it on the edge but I need it to be in the center between the speakers per the customers request.


8 Feb, 02:51

App usage

What does VB mean? When trying to create box “You specified not all required parameters. Required are VB.” How to fix


2 Feb, 17:36


How long will it take for my request to add a Manufacturer take it's been a very long time and i would like this Manufacturer added.


30 Jan, 18:21


AIIGHT so whats up i want to offer my help to you all out here on the site. I run a small shop in Flint, Mi. Ugly Box Fabrications. I pretty much just build enclosures, design plans and do installation .  Check me out on Facebook @Ugly Box Fabrications. jo

Dilemma indeed

So now that I have my beautiful murdered out silverado back on the road I started the rabbit hole of audio upgrades. Finally built the box I wanted for my L5 kicker 10in an sounds excellent. . Being I didn't want to lose my entire backseat I only removed 1


24 Jan, 15:37

Three chamber 4th order

I'm having trouble getting a three chamber 4th order to model. It used to work but I may be doing something wrong. How would I go about that?


13 Jan, 05:33

Moderator approval for subwoofer models.

Hey guys is there a chance that I could assist with the approval of subwoofer models in the database? You mentioned in the app it will take a while. I could go through and verify every single one that’s been sent. I love this app a lot, it allows me to des


12 Jan, 23:42

Subwoofer smd v2 18"

je voudrais savoir quel est le prix du subwoofer smd 18 pouces v2


4 Jan, 13:54

I want to delete my account

I want to delete my account, this is not for me, but before you can try, they force you to give them data. So, I want to delete my account.


4 Jan, 13:51

Shut down payment

Where? Important:Deleting your user profile will not cancel or delete your active subscription. If you have one, you will need to turn it off yourself in the appropriate settings.


31 Dec 2024, 21:29

2 Rockford fosgate p110s4 box recommendations

I got 2 10in p110s4 with a jl audio 500.1 monoblock amp. They are in a 95 Honda Accord. I am running 4 gauge wire and 12 gauge speaker wire. I have them wired up parallel. I have plenty of room in the trunk. I just need some advice or a push in the rite di