Rockford Fosgate P1S4-12
+156 P-Bass
7 Nov 2022, 09:33
+156 P-Bass
26 Oct 2021, 22:02
Basically, I've done the same like in the project for 15-inch P1S4: Differences: Fb and F3 are higher than 20 Hz, RMS power handling ability higher but still under 20 Hz, transfer function is in "+" just only from 29 Hz without any cabin gain. In my opinion this 12-inch P1 is still usable even in exterior in this box, like the 15-inch P1 in its box which I've designed for it with the same aspects.
+156 P-Bass
26 Oct 2021, 23:16
This closed box's Vb is the largest on which the driver reaches but not passes over its X-max at every frequency down to 10 Hz on RMS power using both computation models. This driver in this box will perform really good in car, because at low bass its transfer function is much higher than 0 dB with the SBL's stock 55 Hz / 12 dB cabin gain. Simple model shows that it is the loudest between 12 and 27 Hz, but complex model shows that this is between 22 and 33 Hz.
+156 P-Bass
17 Oct 2021, 18:42
The Vb of this box I determined using WinISD using my power handling rule: to have ideal RMS power handling ability at least down to 20 Hz / reaching but not overpassing Xmax. SBL and BassBox6PRO gived way too big Vb. As sou can see, almost up to 130 Hz it is in "+" on Transfer function graph all way down to 10 Hz using the standard 55 Hz / 12 dB cabin gain, so it will sound good in a car.
+156 P-Bass
17 Oct 2021, 19:24
The Vb and Fb of this box I determined using WinISD using my power handling rule: to have ideal RMS power handling ability at least down to 20 Hz / reaching but not overpassing Xmax. SBL and BassBox6PRO gived way too big Vb and / or Fb few tenths Hz higher than 20 Hz. There is also a simulation comparison between WinIsd closed box and this WinISD vented box. Also this vented box seems to be it have small group delay, and small vent air velocity.
+156 P-Bass
27 Sep 2021, 09:38
This is a low-tuned but 1:3 ratio 4th order bandpass enclosure for this driver in which th driver have ideal RMS power handling down to 10 Hz, so it is a "1-note" SPL oriented sub which should peak at somewhere around 30-33 Hz in almost every passenger car, but also for the not so big chamber ratio it is usable for everyday music listening for few styles of slower low-bass music. Also 2 Ohm version driver will perform the same in this box.
4th Order Bandpass
+6 sambarrera92
21 Sep 2021, 05:33
2:1 4th order bandpass for 12s. Tuned to 40 hz. 2cu ft sealed section and 4 cu ft in ported section. Tell me what you think
4th Order Bandpass
+156 P-Bass
5 Mar 2021, 23:57
I found out that both Ohm versions of this woofer basicaly are working the same in the same exact boxes - this is the main reason why I share here the closed box. So, like at the windy vented box shared at 2 Ohm version of this woofer, I filled in / let SBL to count out the missing speaker parameters to be able to do correct simulations with the complex computation model too / single voicecoil - to be able to optimize the box for my needs and rules, what I wrote down many times at my older shared projects.
Seems to be the JL sub isn't in stock right now, so this Rockford sub will be 1 of the possible replacements of the JL: - as you can see, I designed the box for this Rockford in the same way with the same specs, for the same needs like for the JL, the box came out to be physically exactly the same, and seems to be in this box the Rockford would perform a bit better like JL - see the graphs.