6th order basket position, and other graph questions
Not sure what I'm doing wrong or I'm reading the 3d box wrong. My rear chamber is supposed to have the larger volumn tuned lower at 35 than the front with the basket inside the chamber, on the 3d diagram the basket appears in the front smaller chamber. The other question I had was for cone displacement, the graph shows it completely off the scale and I can't figure out why this is and where I have made the mistakes.
Thank you for any advice.
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To change the basket location just click on the "The basket inside the rear chamber", look ta the screenshot below
For the second question, I need some time for the investigation
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Thank you for the response i Knew about that check mark but what i was concerned about was with the volume calculations. My rear chamber is set at 3 ft cubed while the front is set at 2ft cubed, In the 3d diagram I have chosen the basket to be in the rear chamber but the basket is showing as being displayed in the smaller front chamber. With the basket displaying in the wrong chamber is the basket displacement being subtracted the chamber it is placed in on the diagram or from the chamber larger rear chamber. I have also noticed the port displacements are both exactly the same even front one is under 5" long and the rear approx 20" long.
I've understood you. This is a bug. Later I'll look is it an only visual bug
Awesome thank you.
This is an only visual bug. The speaker displacement subtracts from the rear chamber if the checkmark enabled