
Box properties will not save

Both Save buttons at the top and bottom of the Box properties window will not respond or save anything. I try to change my box thickness and hit save but neither button responds. If I hit the arrow on the upper left to exit then go back in the box thickness is not changed. Please help. I need to to recalculate cut dimensions with a thicker material. 

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Hi. Could you please provide more information about the issue? The screenshots will be really helpful. Thanks

-When I go into this “Box Properties” screen the save function does not work.

-I tried to change the box thickness from 13 to 16.

-When I press the save button at the top right or along the bottom nothing happens so it’s not possible to change any of the settings in the “Box Properties” screen. Exiting this screen just resets the values I try to change. This save function worked fine around a month ago.

As I can see You haven't downloaded foundation shapes (red message says about it) It seems therefore saving doesn't work. You should connect your phone to the internet and click the Refresh button.

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That’s the weird thing. My iPad is connected to the internet. I’ve tried on cellular connection and also wifi. The REFRESH button will not respond and the message about connecting to the internet will not go away even though I’m able to use internet connection on all other apps. 

Can you open online database? Is It available for you?
