Monacor SP-8/150PRO
Monacor SP-8/150PRO

Monacor SP-8/150PRO


+0 timon.segeln

29 Aug 2024, 12:10


Not Specified



+156 P-Bass

26 Oct 2021, 08:59


First, port area I determined as "(driver's total diameter + 2x material thickness) x material thickness" - it is good for what I'm looking for: vent air velocity less than 17m/s + less cone excursion with complex model higher than Fb compared with simple model's. So, with simple model I found the Vb for the given Fb which not overpasses Xmax higher than Fb on RMS power, with complex model I found the Fb which gives ideal RMS power handling down to 20 (19) Hz with the Vb and port area.



+156 P-Bass

19 Oct 2021, 19:51


At this box I've made the same steps like at this: SP-8/150PRO with some differences: 1st: at this box I determined a port area like "(driver's max diameter + 2x box's material thickness) X box's material thickness", 2nd: I've chosen that Vb+Fb+port area combo which was OK in WinISD, and also not gived negative peak at stock 55Hz/12dB cabin gain in SBL's simple computation model. The box is buildable as L-ported box - ideal RMS power handling close to down to 30Hz.



+156 P-Bass

19 Oct 2021, 19:06


I determined the port area as "cutout diameter X material thichness" = the smallest "practical" for building a slot ported box. I figured out hopefully correctly: down from an exact Fb WinISD can't give a Vb without exceeding Xmax at higher Hzs like Fb for a given port area when leaving the stock settings + switching on "transmission line". So I found that Vb+Fb + port area combo, and box with correct displacement is compact + buildable + ideal RMS power handling close down to 20 Hz.



+156 P-Bass

10 Oct 2021, 21:47


This box I optimised using just SBL / both computation models / at complex: switching on/off both behaviours separately - all 4 combinations of possible simulations: I found the biggest Vb + lowest Fb combination to have at Hzs higher than Fb: ideal power handling, reaching but not overpassing the Xmax, and also to have at Hzs lower than 120 Hz 10 or less m/s max vent air velocity. Also I modified the speaker's displacement: the speaker will be mounted on the top of the baffle.



+156 P-Bass

14 Mar 2021, 12:40


This box I optimised using the complex computation model after filling in, or/and let SBL to count out the missing speaker parameters. The simple computation model I used just only to optimise the vent air velocity to be not higher than 17m/s. I optimised the box's Vbs and Fb to have firstly F3hig=60Hz, then equal Xmax=6mm excursion down from 10 Hz up to the highest possible frequency with the lowest possible chamber-ratio (in this case it is 39Hz), and also to have ideal RMS power handling down to 10 Hz.


4th Order Bandpass

+156 P-Bass

23 Feb 2021, 19:53


I watched this video: - 1 pair of isobaric loaded speakers needs half of the net volume to sound the same. So, a single-speaker net volume needs 2 pairs of isobaric loaded speakers to have all graphs ideally equal, except the SPL graps, which are 3 dB higher. Moreower, I tried to simulate what happens when I add 2 pairs of isobaric loaded speakers into this enclosure: : Vb less + Fb higher a little bit + the speakers will fit, just it looks strange.



+156 P-Bass

5 Feb 2021, 22:03


I built a box for this speaker. After a proper test I found that the cone moves not like in the graph. After re-simulation with complex model, I found that it works exactly by that. So I decided to create this demo-project with my rules and needs which I wrote down many times in my other projects - to see the differences between the 2 models. Btw, for this simple box actually in almost all graphs the complex model gived better results for my wanted sound range, so maybe I will build this box too...



+156 P-Bass

25 Dec 2020, 19:53


This box I optimised for 20 degrees of Celsius temperature, and for my livingroom by derermining the room's +12dB Hz using this formula: F=565/L - F is the Hz, L is the biggest possible room length in feet (in my case it is 25.5 Hz). The other needs and rules what I used further to optimize the box I wrote down many times here in the project's description at my older shared projects.



+156 P-Bass

25 Dec 2020, 17:26


This box I optimised for 20 degrees of Celsius temperature, and for my livingroom by derermining the room's +12dB Hz using this formula: F=565/L - F is the Hz, L is the biggest possible room length in feet (in my case it is 25.5 Hz). The other needs and rules what I used further to optimize the box I wrote down many times here in the project's description at my older shared projects.


6th Order Bandpass(Parallel)

+156 P-Bass

30 Sep 2020, 08:57


My goal with this vented box for this woofer (using it's stock parameters from local speaker datatabase) was NOT the "linear amp.resp.+SPL / sounding" at some cabin gain. My goal was to find the highest possible Vb and Fb to: have ideal RMS power handling down to 20 (19) Hz + at higher Hzs than Fb reach but not overpass the Xmax + low vent air velocity + acceptable group delay at every Hz down to 20 Hz + be buildable to have the biggest outer dimension less than 520mm using 18mm MDF for box and port too.



+156 P-Bass

25 Mar 2020, 19:49


This box I've modelled hand-in-hand SBL+WinISD. On SBL I used the woofer's stock parameters from local DB + max W, in WinISD I used a speaker-file from + RMS W. Especially the Cone displ. graphs are very similar. My rules: have ideal power handling down to high 20ish Hz + have no negative peak at lower Hz than the low-tuned chamber's Fb at up to +3dB=60Hz/12dB cabin gain, then: sound loud as it is possible, then: acceptable group delay (SBL) + vent air velocity under 10 m/s (WinISD).


6th Order Bandpass(Parallel)

+156 P-Bass

25 Mar 2020, 16:53


This box have the biggest possible Vb (11.62L) and the lowest possible Fb to have no peak at lower Hz than Fb using +3 dB=60 Hz/+12dB cabin gain, reach but no overpass the Xmax (ideal power handling) at higher Hz than Fb, and acceptable group delay. I checked the Xmax and vent air velocity using WinISD - woofer not overpasses the Xmax up to 176 Watts, which is more than the woofer's RMS power (so it is OK), and the maximum value of vent air velocity is less than 10 m/s on SBL and WinISD simulations too.



+156 P-Bass

25 Dec 2019, 22:00


In this project I have simulated 6 different vented boxes for this woofer optimised to have ideal power handling at it's RMS power and max power down to 20, 25 and 30 Hz - temperature: 20 degrees of celsius - using WEB. For the Vbs and Fbs see the Graphs History. All boxes are buildable with acceptable compactness, and the port area is good for all of them. On 3D and on Drawings you can see the max power / 30 Hz optimised box because it is the most compact and sounds the most accurate - see the group delay.



+156 P-Bass

24 Sep 2019, 13:37


This is my first ever properly designed subwoofer + even using SBL. I built the box too. I designed at the old WEB interface's era + the standard Pe was the max power. So, I used the stock speaker parameters from local DB, and I optimised it for max power and 20 degrees of celsius ambient temperature with those needs and rules which I wrote down here in the description at almost all of my projects. This is a video of it: .



+156 P-Bass

13 Aug 2019, 14:10


This is an 1:2 variant 4th oreder bandpass box for this speaker optimized for the Xmax of this speaker (6 mm) with compact measures (the biggest outer measure is less than 500 mm). An interesting feature of this box is that the port length equals to material thickness, so there is just a 212x60 mm hole on the ported chamber. The 1:1 variant box sounds too high and the amp. resp. is not so clear. The 1:3 variant box sounds lower than 1:2, characteristics are more clear too, just the port is strange...


4th Order Bandpass

+156 P-Bass

15 Aug 2019, 13:37


This is an 1:3 variant 4th oreder bandpass box for 2 pieces of this speaker optimized for the Xmax of this speaker (6 mm). An interesting feature of this box is that the port length equals to material thickness, so there is just a huge 212x210 mm hole on the ported chamber. This is not the loudest box for 2 pieces of this speaker, but probably this box have the most clear charasteristics compared to other boxes where this speaker not exceeds its Xmax.


4th Order Bandpass