Tang Band W5-2053
+156 P-Bass
18 Apr 2020, 16:13
BP4, Vbfront: 1.7l, Fbfront: 60.4Hz, Vbrear: 1.7l
+156 P-Bass
17 Apr 2020, 22:07
I simulated several buildable compact boxes using labyrinth ports and acceptable group delays. BP6 (2/0.75L, port areas 18x153mm) - size: smaller floor standing speaker. Vented1 (1.37L, port area 12x141mm): the most linear output at 60Hz cabin gain - size: smaller floor standing satellite speaker. Vented2 (1.74L, port area 12x153mm): no negative peak at high Hzs at 60Hz cabin gain - size: bookshelf speaker. BP4 (on 3D) (1.74/1.74L): this box performs the best for it's bookshelf speaker-like size.
BP4, Vbfront: 1.7l, Fbfront: 60.4Hz, Vbrear: 1.7l
+156 P-Bass
17 Apr 2020, 09:44
In this project I simulated passive radiator boxes whit passive radiators which are recomended for this woofer (Tang Band PR10, and PR13) to have the same Fb, and a max-power optimised closed box. All passive radiator boxes are louder than the closed, but box with 1 PR13 (2.57 L) - the radiator's excursion can be a problem, the 2 PR13 (5.15 L) and the 1 PR10 (3.03 L) - the group delay can be a problem. These are the reasons and the power handling why is the closed box (2.08 L) on 3D.
Closed, Vb: 2.1l
+156 P-Bass
29 Feb 2020, 18:45
In this project I simulated a closed, a 4th order bandpass and a vented box. My rules and needs: using stock parammeters and Pe from SBL database, reach but no overpass the Xmax + ideal power handling from 10 or 20 Hz and higher Hz, acceptable vent air velocity and group delay everywhere, the biggest outer dimension less than 1000 mm. 6th order box I did not simulate - it will be too big. The vented box is the loudest at 20ish frequencies, so this is on 3D. Port area: 18x164 mm.
Vented, Vb: 2.8l, Fb: 23.7Hz
This is the same 4th order bandpass box (1.74/1.74L) like in my previous project, just I re-designed it using thick material to have bigger space between the woofer's magnet and the port's wall, added the correct displacement which is counted out for that thicker material/no flush mount. The port's material thickness is the same like maybe the thinnest MDF/HDF aviable in my country, the port area is slightly less, but still acceptable. Other benefit: the largest outer dimension is less than 350mm.